Cheesy Pesto Garlic Bread
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Cheesy Pesto Garlic Bread

with Parmesan & cheddar

This cheesy pesto garlic bread is a delightful appetizer or side for an array of Chefs Plate meals. From soups to stew to salads, a flavourful garlic bread is always a welcome addition and is sure to be a hit with your family.


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation15 minutes
Temps de cuisson5 minutes


/ sert 2 personnes

2 pièce(s)

Pain à sandwich

(Contient Orge, Blé)

¼ tasse(s)

Pesto au basilic

(Contient Lait Peut contenir Sulfites, Noix, Soya)

¼ tasse(s)

Parmesan, râpé grossièrement

(Contient Lait)

½ tasse(s)

Cheddar blanc, râpé

(Contient Lait)

1 pièce(s)

Gousses d'ail

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

2 cs


(Contient Lait)


Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)580 kcal
Graisses35 g
dont saturés18 g
Glucides48 g
dont sucres0 g
Fibres3 g
Protéines19 g
Cholestérol70 mg
Sel1140 mg
Gras Trans1 g
Potassium200 mg
Calcium350 mg
Fer3.5 mg


Petit bol
Cuillères à mesurer
Papier sulfurisé
Plaque de cuisson


  • Peel, then mince or grate garlic.
  • Halve buns.
  • In a small microwave-safe bowl, heat garlic and 2 tbsp butter on high for 30 sec-45 sec, until butter is melted.
  • To the bowl with melted butter, add half the pesto. Stir to combine.
  • On a parchment-lined baking sheet, arrange buns, cut-side up.
  • Brush garlic pesto butter evenly over cut sides of buns.
  • Sprinkle Parmesan evenly over top, then follow with cheddar.
  • Toast on the upper rack of the oven for 3-6 min, until golden. (TIP: Keep your eye on them so they don't burn!)
  • Remove garlic bread from the oven and set aside to cool, 2-4 min.
  • When cool to touch, cut into 2-inch pieces, if desired.
  • Enjoy!