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TKTK Panini

with Basil Pesto and Roasted Red Peppers

This veggie panini is anything but boring, loaded with melted fresh mozzarella and briny roasted red peppers. An herby pesto mayo brings the whole sandwich together for a delicious toasted bite!


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation20 minutes
Temps de cuisson10 minutes


/ sert 2 personnes

2 pièce(s)

Pain à sandwich

(Contient Orge, Blé)

125 g

Mozzarella fraîche

(Contient Lait)

170 ml

Poivrons rôtis

¼ tasse(s)

Pesto au basilic

(Contient Lait Peut contenir Sulfites, Noix, Lait, Soya)

28 g

Mélange roquette et épinards

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

0.06 cc


0.06 cc



Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)470 kcal
Graisses21 g
dont saturés9 g
Glucides53 g
dont sucres4 g
Fibres4 g
Protéines19 g
Cholestérol40 mg
Sel1300 mg
Gras Trans0.3 g
Potassium300 mg
Calcium800 mg
Fer4 mg


Petit bol
Papier sulfurisé
Plaque de cuisson


  • Halve sandwich buns. Brush tops of each sandwich bun with 1/2 tbsp oil.
  • Drain roasted red peppers, then firmly pat dry with paper towels. Cut roasted red peppers into 1/4-inch slices.
  • Thinly slice mozzarella, then season with salt and pepper.
  • Roughly chop spinach and arugula mix.
  • Combine pesto and mayo in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper, then stir to combine.
  • Divide pesto mayo between top and bottom buns.
  • Divide roasted red peppers over bottom buns. Layer with mozzarella slices, then spinach and arugula mix. Close with top half.
  • Transfer paninis to a lined baking sheet. Place another large baking sheet over top of the paninis and press down firmly to secure (NOTE: You can place a heavy pot or saucepan on the top baking sheet to help weigh it down.)
  • Bake in the middle of the oven until golden-brown and cheese has melted, 4-5 min.
  • If using, place paninis into the sandwich press and close. Grill until golden-brown and cheese has melted, 3-5 min.
  • Remove paninis from the oven and halve.
  • Divide panini halves between plates.