Mojo Shrimp Tacos and Nectarine Salsa
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Mojo Shrimp Tacos and Nectarine Salsa

with Summer Salad


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation30 minutes
Temps de cuisson8 minutes


quantité par portion

285 g


(Contient Crevettes)

1 pièce(s)

Fruit à noyau

113 g

Maïs en grains

6 pièce(s)

Tortillas de farine

(Contient Sulfites, Blé Peut contenir Soya, Avoine, Seigle, Sésame, Triticale, Lait)

6 pièce(s)

Gousses d'ail

1 pièce(s)


1 cs

Assaisonnement mexicain

(Peut contenir Arachides, Sésame, Soya, Sulfites, Noix, Blé, Lait, Moutarde)

7 g


56 g

Oignon rouge, haché

113 g

Mélange printanier

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

1.5 cs


¼ cc

Sel et Poivre*


Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)570 kcal
Graisses17 g
dont saturés3 g
Glucides76 g
dont sucres15 g
Fibres6 g
Protéines32 g
Cholestérol180 mg
Sel1740 mg
Gras Trans0 g
Potassium1000 mg
Calcium300 mg
Fer5 mg


Grand bol
Grande poêle antiadhésive
Bol à mélanger, moyen
Cuillères à mesurer



Zest, then juice the lime. Roughly chop the cilantro. Stand the nectarine, stem-side down, on your cutting board. Avoiding the pit in the centre of the nectarine, cut ‘cheeks’ off around the pit. Cut each piece into 1/4-inch cubes .Peel, then mince or grate the garlic.


Using a strainer, drain and rinse the shrimp, then pat dry with paper towels. Stir together the shrimp, half the garlic and the Mexican seasoning in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.


Heat a large non-stick pan over medium-high heat. When hot, add 1 tbsp (dbl for 4 ppl), then the onions, nectarines and remaining garlic. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 3-4 min. Stir in the corn and cook until warmed through, 1 min. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to a medium bowl.


Add 1/2 tbsp oil (dbl for 4 ppl) to the same pan, then the shrimp. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the shrimp just turns pink, 4-5 min.** (NOTE: Don't overcrowd the pan; cook in 2 batches for 4 ppl, using 1/2 tbsp oil for each batch!) Remove from heat. Stir in the lime zest. Set aside.


Add the lime juice and cilantro to the bowl with the nectarine and corn salsa. Stir to combine. Wrap the tortillas in paper towel. Microwave until the tortillas are warm and flexible, 1 min. (You can skip this step if you don't want to warm the tortillas!)


Divide the shrimp between tortillas. Top with the warm nectarine-corn salsa.