Que pouvons-nous dire? Cette salade est emballé, emballé, emballé avec beaucoup d'ingrédients. courge musquée et tendre la betterave ballottés avec des grains de remplissage et légumes frais tout fini avec feta et graines auront vous lécher l'assiette!
Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.
340 g
Courge musquée, en dés
250 g
Betteraves cuites
56 g
Oignon rouge, en quartiers
½ tasse(s)
Quinoa blanc
28 g
Mélange de graines
56 g
Mélange printanier
2 cc
Mélange paprika fumé et ail
28 g
Feta, émietté
(Contient Lait)
1 pièce(s)
Concentré de bouillon de légumes
1.25 cc
Moutarde de Dijon
(Contient Moutarde, Sulfites)
1 cs
Vinaigre de vin blanc
(Contient Sulfites)
1 cc
Sel et Poivre*
Preheat the oven to 425°F (to roast the veggies). Start prepping when the oven comes up to temperature!
Wash and dry all produce.* In a medium pot, bring 1 cup water and the broth concentrate to a boil. Cut the beets into 1-inch cubes.
On a baking sheet, toss the squash, beets, onions and the smoked paprika-garlic blend with a drizzle of oil. Season with salt and pepper. Roast in the centre of the oven, stirring halfway through cooking, until the veggies are golden-brown and tender, 22-24 min.
Meanwhile, add the quinoa to the boiling water. Reduce the heat to medium-low. Cover and cook until the quinoa is tender and all the water has been absorbed, 18-20 min.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk together the mustard, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tsp sugar and 2 tbsp oil. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside. Heat a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the seed blend to the dry pan. Toast, stirring often, until golden-brown, 4-5 min. (TIP: Keep your eye on the seeds so they don't burn!) Transfer to a plate and set aside.
When the quinoa is done, fluff it with a fork. Add the quinoa and spring mix to the large bowl with the dressing and toss to combine.
Divide the quinoa mixture between plates and top with the roasted veggies. Sprinkle over the feta and toasted seed blend.