Ultimate Chocolate Brownies
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Ultimate Chocolate Brownies

with Warm Butterscotch Sauce and Pecans

It doesn't get much better than a warm chocolate brownie smothered in homemade butterscotch sauce and topped with crunchy toasted pecans. Grab a spoon and get ready to dig in!


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation1 heure 30 minutes
Temps de cuisson20 minutes


/ sert 4 personnes

1 tasse(s)

Sucre blanc

½ cs

Espresso en poudre

1.5 tasse(s)

Farine tout usage

(Contient Blé)

½ tasse(s)


113 ml


(Contient Lait)

56 g


(Contient Pacanes)

2 pièce(s)


(Contient Oeuf)

½ tasse(s)

Cacao en poudre

½ tasse(s)

Sucre à glacer

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

½ cc


12 cs



Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)1100 kcal
Graisses52 g
dont saturés31 g
Glucides135 g
dont sucres91 g
Fibres7 g
Protéines14 g
Cholestérol225 mg
Sel350 mg
Gras Trans2 g
Potassium350 mg
Calcium125 mg
Fer8.5 mg


Papier sulfurisé
Plat de cuisson de 20x20 cm
Cuillères à mesurer
Grand bol
Verre doseur
Casserole moyenne
Petit bol


  • Grease an 8x8-inch metal baking tin with 2 tsp softened butter.
  • Line the base and sides of the tin with parchment paper, pressing down to adhere. (NOTE: Leave a 2-inch overhang on the sides of the tin. This helps to easily remove brownies once cooled.)
  • Add 8 tbsp butter to a small pot over medium heat and stir until completely melted, 1-2 min. Immediately whisk in cocoa powder, icing sugar and 1/2 tsp salt until smooth.
  • Beat eggs, white sugar and espresso powder together in a large bowl using a whisk or electric mixer until thick, 2-3 min.
  • Add cocoa mixture to egg mixture and beat until combined, 1 min.
  • Sprinkle over 1/2 cup flour and stir until no floury streaks remain. (NOTE: Reserve remaining flour for a future creation.)
  • Pour brownie batter into the prepared tin and smooth into an even layer. Bake in the middle of the oven until puffed and shiny on the surface, 20-25 min. (NOTE: Do not overbake; brownies taste best when slightly underdone. You can also place a wooden skewer into the centre, which should come out with a few crumbs attached when ready.)
  • Place the tin on a wire rack and allow brownies to cool to room temp, 1 hr.
  • Add 4 tbsp butter and brown sugar to a medium pot over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring constantly until mixture comes to a simmer, 2-3 min. Reduce heat to medium and continue to cook until mixture is smooth and glossy, 1-2 min.
  • Slowly, stir in cream 1 tbsp at a time until fully incorporated. Stir in 1/4 tsp salt. Continue to cook until thickened and slightly reduced, 2-3 min. Remove from the heat and transfer to a small bowl.
  • Drizzle butterscotch sauce over top of brownies, then sprinkle pecans over top.
  • Using a sharp knife, cut into equal squares and serve.
  • Use any leftover butterscotch sauce for drizzling over ice cream or other baked goods!