Ultimate Pork Burger
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Ultimate Pork Burger

with Cauliflower and Cheese Sauce


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation30 minutes
Temps de cuisson8 minutes


quantité par portion

250 g

Porc haché

2 pièce(s)

Pain artisan

(Contient Soya, Blé, Lait Peut contenir Moutarde, Sésame, Soya, Sulfites, Oeuf, Lait)

4 cs

Sauce BBQ

(Contient Moutarde Peut contenir Sésame, Soya, Sulfites, Blé, Crustacés, Oeuf, Poisson, Lait)

¼ tasse(s)

Cheddar, râpé

(Contient Lait)

285 g


1 cs

Mélange d'épices pour sauce crémeuse

(Contient Blé Peut contenir Noix, Lait, Moutarde, Arachides, Sésame, Soya, Sulfites)

½ cs

Moutarde de Dijon

(Contient Moutarde Peut contenir Crustacés, Oeuf, Poisson, Lait, Sésame, Soya, Sulfites, Blé)

2 cs

Chapelure italienne

(Contient Orge, Lait, Avoine, Seigle, Sésame, Soya, Blé Peut contenir Oeuf)

28 g

Mélange printanier


Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)690 kcal
Graisses28 g
dont saturés12 g
Glucides70 g
dont sucres19 g
Fibres6 g
Protéines39 g
Cholestérol95 mg
Sel1330 mg
Gras Trans0.4 g
Potassium1050 mg
Calcium250 mg
Fer5.5 mg



Cut cauliflower into bite-sized pieces. Add cauliflower, 1/2 tsp garlic salt and 1 tbsp oil (dbl both for 4 ppl) to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Season with pepper, then toss to combine. Roast in the middle of the oven until tender, 14-16 min.


Thinly slice tomatoes. Add pork, breadcrumbs and 1/2 tsp garlic salt (dbl for 4 ppl) to a medium bowl. Season with pepper, then combine. (TIP: If you prefer a firmer patty, add an egg to the mixture!) Form mixture into two 4-inch-wide patties (4 patties for 4 ppl).


Heat a large non-stick pan over medium heat. When hot, add 1/2 tbsp oil (dbl for 4 ppl), then patties. Pan-fry until cooked through, 4-5 min per side.** Transfer to medium bowl. Pour over BBQ sauce, then gently toss to combine. Cover to keep warm.


Heat a medium pot over medium heat. When hot add 1 tbsp butter (dbl for 4 ppl), then Cream Sauce Blend. Cook, stirring constantly, until a paste forms. Whisk in 1/2 cup milk (dbl for 4 ppl). Whisk constantly, until sauce thickens slightly, 3-4 mins. Add half the cheese and Dijon, then stir until cheese melts, 1-2 min. Remove from heat.


Halve buns. Arrange cut-size up on another baking sheet. Sprinkle remaining cheese over top buns. Toast buns in the top of the oven until cheese melts, 3-4 min. (TIP: Keep an eye on buns so they don't burn!)


Top each bottom bun with BBQ pork patties, then drizzle over any remaining sauce from the bowl. Top with tomatoes, spring mix and top bun. Divide burgers and cauliflower between plates. Pour cheese sauce over cauliflower.