Cheesy Meat Pizzettes
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Cheesy Meat Pizzettes

Cheesy Meat Pizzettes

with Spinach and Sweet Pepper Salad

Say "Arrivederci " to boring meals and "Ciao" to tonight's tasty dinner! A quick but flavorful meat sauce makes the switch from spaghetti noodles to a crispy flatbread base and gets topped with both Parmesan and stretchy mozzarella. A tender baby spinach and sweet bell pepper salad alongside inserts bites of freshness.


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation30 minutes
Temps de cuisson10 minutes


quantité par portion

250 g

Mélange de bœuf et de porc hachés

2 pièce(s)

Pain plat

(Contient Soya, Lait, Blé Peut contenir Soya)

1 pièce(s)


1 pièce(s)

Oignon rouge

56 g

Bébés épinards

¾ tasse(s)

Mozzarella, râpée

(Contient Lait)

¼ tasse(s)

Parmesan, râpé grossièrement

(Contient Lait)

2 cs

Base de sauce tomate

(Peut contenir Blé, Crustacés, Soya, Lait, Sésame, Poisson, Sulfites, Moutarde, Oeuf)

1 cs

Vinaigre de vin rouge

(Contient Sulfites)

1 pièce(s)

Concentré de bouillon de bœuf

2 pièce(s)

Gousses d'ail

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

¼ cc


1 cs


¼ cc


¼ cc


1.5 cs



Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)660 kcal
Graisses33 g
dont saturés14 g
Glucides67 g
dont sucres11 g
Fibres5 g
Protéines25 g
Cholestérol55 mg
Sel1370 mg
Gras Trans1.5 g
Potassium750 mg
Calcium550 mg
Fer5 mg


Petit poêle
Cuillères à mesurer
Grand bol
Pinceau à pâtisserie en silicone
Plaque de cuisson
Grande poêle antiadhésive


  • Peel, then cut onion into 1/4 -inch pieces.
  • Core, then cut pepper into 1/4 -inch pieces.
  • Peel, then mince or grate garlic.
  • Melt 1 tbsp butter (dbl for 4 ppl) in a small pan over low heat, or in a microwavable bowl.
  • Add half the vinegar,1/4 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp oil (dbl both for 4 ppl) to a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper then whisk to combine.
  • Place spinach and half the peppers on top of the dressing, refrigerate and do not mix until step 6.
  • Arrange naan on an unlined baking sheet. (NOTE: For 4 ppl, use 2 baking sheets.)
  • Bake in the middle of the oven until golden-brown, 5-6 min. (NOTE: For 4 ppl, bake in the middle and top of the oven.)
  • Flip naan, then brush evenly with the butter.
  • While naan is baking, heat a large non-stick pan over medium-high heat.
  • When hot, add 1/2 tbsp oil, (dbl for 4 ppl) beef and pork mix, onions , garlic and remaining peppers. Cook, breaking up meat into smaller pieces, until no pink remains, 4-6 min.**
  • Carefully drain and discard excess fat. Add tomato sauce base, broth concentrate, remaining vinegar and 1 tbsp water (dbl for 4 ppl).
  • Cook, stirring often, until sauce has thickened slightly, 1 min, Season with salt and pepper, then remove from heat.
  • Sprinkle half the mozzarella over the naan in an even layer leaving 1 cm around the edges,
  • Top with an even layer of the meat.
  • Sprinkle over remaining mozzarella and Parmesan.
  • Bake in the middle of the oven until cheese is melted and toppings are heated through, 6-8 min. (NOTE: For 4 ppl, bake flatbreads in the middle and top of the oven, rotating sheets halfway through.)
  • Cut pizzettes into quarters then, divide between plates.
  • Toss salad to coat, then divide between plates.

If you've opted to get turkey, add 1 tbsp oil (dbl for 4 ppl) to the pan, then add turkey. Cook it in the same way the recipe instructs you to cook the beef and pork mix.