Chili-Spiced Bean & Cheese Quesadillas
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Chili-Spiced Bean & Cheese Quesadillas

Chili-Spiced Bean & Cheese Quesadillas

with black bean 'pico de gallo' salad

Black beans work double duty in this recipe – as a creamy refried filling for the quesadillas and for adding pops of flavour in a fresh pico de gallo!


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation30 minutes
Temps de cuisson10 minutes


quantité par portion

1 pièce(s)

Haricots noirs

6 pièce(s)

Tortillas de farine

(Contient Sulfites, Blé Peut contenir Soya, Avoine, Seigle, Sésame, Triticale, Lait)

¾ tasse(s)

Mozzarella, râpée

(Contient Lait)

1 pièce(s)

Oignon rouge

28 g

Bébés épinards

1 pièce(s)


7 g


1 pièce(s)

Crème sure

(Contient Lait)

1 pièce(s)


1 cs

Mélange d’épices chili-cumin

(Peut contenir Sulfites, Blé, Oeuf, Poisson, Lait, Moutarde, Sésame, Soya)

½ tasse(s)

Salsa de tomates

(Peut contenir Soya, Poisson, Blé, Sulfites, Oeuf, Lait, Sésame, Crustacés, Moutarde)

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

3 cs


0.13 cc


0.13 cc



Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)900 kcal
Graisses39 g
dont saturés12 g
Glucides107 g
dont sucres16 g
Fibres17 g
Protéines37 g
Cholestérol40 mg
Sel2590 mg
Gras Trans1 g
Potassium1100 mg
Calcium700 mg
Fer9 mg


Grande poêle antiadhésive
Cuillères à mesurer
Verre doseur
Papier sulfurisé
Plaque de cuisson
Bol à mélanger, moyen


Prepare Ingredients
  • Finely chop cilantro.
  • Cut tomato into 1/4-inch pieces.
  • Peel, then cut onion into 1/4-inch pieces.
  • Juice lime.
Start Quesadilla Filling
  • Drain and rinse beans.
  • In a large non-stick pan, heat 1 tbsp (2 tbsp) oil over medium-high heat.
  • When the pan is hot, add three-quarters of the onions and three-quarters of the beans. Cook for 2-5 min, stirring occasionally, until beans soften.
Finish Quesadilla Filling
  • To the pan with beans, add 2 tsp (4 tsp) Chili-Cumin Spice Blend and 1/4 cup (1/2 cup) water. Season with salt.
  • Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook for 2-3 min, mashing beans roughly with a spoon, until liquid is absorbed. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Remove the pan from heat.
Assemble Quesadillas
  • Meanwhile, prepare a parchment-lined baking sheet. Drizzle 2 tsp (4 tsp) oil over parchment.
  • Arrange tortillas on a clean surface. Spread bean filling evenly over one side of each tortilla.
  • Sprinkle cheese over filling. Fold tortillas in half to enclose filling, pressing lightly to flatten.*
Bake Quesadillas
  • On the prepared baking sheet, arrange assembled quesadillas. Drizzle 2 tsp (4 tsp) oil over top.
  • Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 4-6 min, until cheese melts. Carefully flip quesadillas.
  • Continue to bake for 3-6 min, until crisp and golden.
Make Bean 'Pico De Gallo' Salad & Serve
  • Meanwhile, to a medium bowl, add spinach, tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice, remaining Chili-Cumin Spice Blend, remaining beans, remaining onions and 2 tsp (4 tsp) oil. Season with salt and pepper, then stir to combine.
  • Cut quesadillas into wedges.
  • Serve quesadillas with pico de gallo salad alongside.
  • Serve sour cream and salsa on the side for dipping.
  • Enjoy!