Inspirés des régions maritimes, ces petits pains débordent de crevettes juteuses nappées d’une sauce à l’aneth.
Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.
570 g
(Contient Crustacean/Crustacé)
56 g
Mélange oignon-céleri
7 g
1 pièce(s)
4 cs
(Contient Oeuf, Sulfites, Moutarde)
4 pièce(s)
Pain à sous-marin
(Contient Gluten)
113 g
Mélange printanier
3 cs
Crème sure
(Contient Lait)
1.5 cs
¼ cc
Sel et Poivre*
1 cc
Arrive bientôt!
Thinly slice the green onions. Zest and juice the lemon. Finely chop the dill. Drain and rinse shrimp, then pat dry with paper towel.
Season the shrimp with salt and pepper. Add 1 tbsp oil to the same pan, then the shrimp. Cook, stirring occasionally, until shrimp just turns pink, 2-3 min.** Transfer shrimp to a clean surface. When all the shrimp is cooled, roughly chop shrimp, then transfer to a plate.
Whisk together the mayo, sour cream and lemon zest . Season with salt and pepper. Add the shrimp, the dill, half the green onions and half the celery. Toss to coat and set aside.
Whisk together 1 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp oil and 1 tsp sugar in a medium bowl. Add the spring mix, remaining celery and remaining green onions. Toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper.
Divide the shrimp filling between the buns. Divide shrimp rolls and chopped salad between plates.