Pear Cobbler
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This rustic dessert is lovely enough to serve for guests but you'll probably want it all to yourself! If you've got some vanilla ice cream lying around, scoop some to serve alongside for extra decadence!


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation50 minutes
Temps de cuisson8 minutes


/ sert 2 personnes

3 pièce(s)


1 pièce(s)


1 cs

Fécule de maïs

(Peut contenir Moutarde, Sésame, Soya, Sulfites, Blé, Oeuf, Poisson, Lait)

1 cc

Mélange d'épices pour tarte à la citrouille

(Peut contenir Sulfites, Blé, Oeuf, Poisson, Lait, Moutarde, Sésame, Soya)

8 cs

Farine tout usage

(Contient Blé)

113 ml


(Contient Lait)

1 cc

Poudre à pâte

28 g

Canneberges séchées

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

3.5 cs

Beurre non salé*

0.06 cc


4.5 cs



Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)820 kcal
Graisses40 g
dont saturés25 g
Glucides109 g
dont sucres61 g
Fibres10 g
Protéines7 g
Cholestérol125 mg
Sel430 mg
Gras Trans1 g
Potassium350 mg
Calcium100 mg
Fer2.5 mg


Grande poêle antiadhésive
Plat de cuisson de 20x20 cm
Bol à mélanger, moyen
Petit bol
Cuillères à mesurer
Verre doseur



Transfer half the cream to a medium bowl and place in the fridge. Melt 3 tbsp butter in a large non-stick pan over medium heat. Carefully transfer melted butter to a small bowl, then stir in remaining cream and 1 tbsp water. While butter melts, zest, then juice half the lemon. Core, then cut pears into 1/2-inch pieces. Grease an 8x8 baking dish with 1/2 tbsp butter. Whisk together flour, baking powder, 2 1/2 tbsp sugar and a pinch of salt in a medium bowl until combined. Add lemon zest and butter-cream mixture to the flour mixture, then whisk until combined.


Heat the same pan over medium heat. When hot, add pears, dried cranberries, Pumpkin Pie Spice and 2 tsp sugar. Cook, stirring often, until pears soften slightly, 3-4 min. Stir together cornstarch and 1/3 cup water in a small bowl until cornstarch dissolves, then add to the pan. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened, 30 sec. Remove the pan from heat, then stir in lemon juice.


Transfer pears to the buttered baking dish and arrange in an even layer. Dollop batter over top in spoonfuls, leaving a few small gaps. Sprinkle with 1 tbsp sugar. Bake in the middle of the oven until top of cobbler is golden-brown and baked through and pears are tender, 35-40 min. Allow to cool for 5 min.


While cobbler cools, add 1 tsp sugar to reserved cold cream in medium bowl. Whisk until soft peaks form, 2-4 min. Divide cobbler between bowls. Dollop whipped cream over top.