TKTK Banana Bread
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TKTK Banana Bread

TKTK Banana Bread

with Toasted Walnuts and Chocolate Chips

Easy to make and even easier to eat, this classic banana bread recipe is perfect for a little post-dinner sweet treat. The best part? You don't have to choose between nuts or chocolate, we've included both!

Noix de Grenoble

Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation50 minutes
Temps de cuisson15 minutes


/ sert 4 personnes

250 ml

Compote de bananes

(Peut contenir Sésame, Crustacés, Lait, Oeuf, Sulfites, Blé, Poisson, Moutarde, Soya)

1.5 tasse(s)

Farine tout usage

(Contient Blé)

1 tasse(s)


2 pièce(s)


(Contient Oeuf)

1 cc

Poudre à pâte

1 cs

Bicarbonate de soude

½ tasse(s)

Pépites de chocolat mi-amer

(Contient Soya)

56 g

Noix de Grenoble, hachées

(Contient Noix de Grenoble)

1 pièce(s)

Crème sure

(Contient Lait)

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

½ cc


4.33 cs

Beurre non salé*


Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)790 kcal
Graisses32 g
dont saturés14 g
Glucides117 g
dont sucres75 g
Fibres6 g
Protéines13 g
Cholestérol135 mg
Sel1350 mg
Gras Trans0.5 g
Potassium550 mg
Calcium125 mg
Fer5 mg


Papier sulfurisé
Poêle antiadhésive moyenne
Cuillères à mesurer
Bol à mélanger, moyen
Petit bol
Grand bol


Toast walnuts and prep loaf pan
  • Heat a medium non-stick pan over medium heat.
  • When hot, add walnuts to the dry pan. Toast, stirring often, until golden-brown, 4-5 min. (TIP: Keep your eye on them so they don't burn!) Transfer to a plate.
  • Meanwhile, grease a 9X5-inch metal loaf pan with 1 tsp softened butter, then line the base and sides with parchment paper, leaving a 2-inch overhang off the sides. (TIP: The overhang will make it easy for you to remove the bread from the pan later.)
Mix dry ingredients and melt butter
  • Add flour, baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda and 1/2 tsp salt to a medium bowl. Whisk until combined.
  • Add 4 tbsp butter to a small microwave-safe bowl. Microwave until melted, 30 sec.
Make batter
  • Add banana sauce, 3/4 cup packed brown sugar and sour cream to a large bowl. Whisk until mixture is smooth, 1 min.
  • Add eggs and melted butter. Whisk until smooth.
  • Add flour mixture to the bowl with wet ingredients, then stir with a spatula until combined.
  • Stir in toasted walnuts and chocolate chips.
Bake banana bread and serve
  • Pour batter into the prepared loaf pan.
  • Bake in the middle of the oven until banana bread is golden-brown and springs back when touched, 30-40 min.
  • Allow banana bread to cool on a wire rack for 1 hr before removing from the loaf pan.
  • Cut into slices with a sharp knife.