Truffle Parmesan Chicken
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Truffle Parmesan Chicken

Truffle Parmesan Chicken

with Roasted Potatoes and Truffle Mayo and Beans

This is the perfect dinner for a date night at home! Thyme roasted chicken with luxurious mushroom sauce is served alongside tender potatoes and garlic green beans with truffle mayo for dipping. It really doesn't get much better, and it all comes together in your own kitchen.


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation30 minutes
Temps de cuisson10 minutes


quantité par portion

2 pièce(s)

Poitrines de poulet

2 pièce(s)

Gousses d'ail

200 g

Mélange de champignons

2 pièce(s)

Concentré de bouillon de poulet

7 g


170 g

Haricots verts, parés

1 g

Sel de truffe

2 cs


(Contient Oeuf, Moutarde Peut contenir Blé, Crustacés, Poisson, Moutarde, Sésame, Soya, Lait, Sulfites, Oeuf)

2 pièce(s)

Pomme de terre Russet

28 g

Échalotes frites

(Contient Blé)

1 cs

Farine tout usage

(Contient Blé)

½ cs

Moutarde de Dijon

(Contient Moutarde Peut contenir Crustacés, Oeuf, Poisson, Lait, Sésame, Soya, Sulfites, Blé)

Pas inclus dans votre livraison

1.5 cs


2 cs

Beurre non salé*

(Contient Lait)

0.13 cc


¼ cc



Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)800 kcal
Graisses38 g
dont saturés14 g
Glucides60 g
dont sucres7 g
Fibres8 g
Protéines50 g
Cholestérol160 mg
Sel900 mg
Gras Trans0.5 g
Potassium2200 mg
Calcium100 mg
Fer5.5 mg


Plaque de cuisson
Cuillères à mesurer
Grande poêle antiadhésive
Petit bol
Bol à mélanger, moyen
Verre doseur


  • Strip thyme leaves from stems, then finely chop 1 tbsp (2 tbsp).
  • Cut potatoes into 1/2-inch wedges.
  • Add potatoes, 1/2 tbsp (1 tbsp) thyme and 1 tbsp oil to an unlined baking sheet. (NOTE: For 4 ppl, use 2 baking sheets, with 1 tbsp oil per sheet.) Season with salt and pepper, then toss to coat. Roast in the bottom of the oven, flipping halfway through, until tender and golden-brown, 25-28 min. (NOTE: For 4 ppl, roast in the bottom and top of the oven, rotating sheets halfway through.)
  • Pat chicken dry with paper towels. Season with remaining thyme, salt and pepper.
  • Heat a large non-stick pan over medium-high heat. When hot, add 1/2 tbsp oil, then chicken. (NOTE: Cook chicken in 2 batches for 4 ppl, using 1/2 tbsp oil per batch.) Pan-fry until golden-brown, 1-2 min per side.
  • Transfer chicken to a baking sheet. Roast in the middle of the oven until cooked through, 8-10 min.**
  • Trim green beans.
  • Quarter mushrooms.
  • Peel, then mince or grate garlic. 
  • Add mayo, 1/8 tsp (1/4 tsp) garlic and 1/8 tsp (1/4 tsp) truffle sea salt to a small bowl. Stir to combine.
Cook green beans
  • Heat the same pan (used in step 2) over medium-high, then add green beans and 1/4 cup (1/2 cup) water. Cook, stirring occasionally, until water evaporates, 4-5 min.
  • Add 1 tbsp (2 tbsp) butter and garlic. Cook, stirring often, until butter coats green beans and is fragant, 1 min. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Transfer to a medium bowl, then cover to keep warm.
  • Add 1 tbsp (2 tbsp) butter to the same pan, then swirl to melt. 
  • Add mushrooms. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 3-4 min.
  • Season with 1/8 tsp (1/4 tsp) truffle sea salt and pepper. 
  • Sprinkle flour over mushrooms. Cook, stirring often, until coats the mushrooms, 1 min. 
  • Add chicken broth concentrate, Dijon and 3/4 cup (1 1/2 cups) water. Cook, stirring constantly, until slightly thickened, 2-3 min. 
  • Thinly slice chicken. Add any remaining juices to the pan with sauce. Stir to combine.
  • Divide potatoes, green beans and chicken between plates. 
  • Pour gravy over chicken. 
  • Sprinkle crispy shallots over green beans. 
  • Serve truffle mayo on the side for dipping.