Creamy Pesto Bacon Gnocchi
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Creamy Pesto Bacon Gnocchi

Creamy Pesto Bacon Gnocchi

with Parmesan Garlic Bread

Golden pan-fried gnocchi is smothered in a basil pesto cream sauce and topped off with umami-rich bacon and toasted pepitas for a powerhouse meal.


Produit dans une installation qui traite le lait, le sésame, les œufs, le poisson, les crustacés, les moutardes, les noix, les arachides, le blé, le soja et les sulfites.

Durée de préparation25 minutes
Temps de cuisson5 minutes


quantité par portion

100 g

Tranches de bacon

1 pièce(s)

Pain ciabatta

(Contient Orge, Blé Peut contenir Soya, Noix de Grenoble, Sésame)

113 g

Petites tomates

1 pièce(s)


28 g

Graines de citrouille

¼ tasse(s)

Parmesan, râpé grossièrement

(Contient Lait)

113 ml


(Contient Lait)

¼ tasse(s)

Pesto au basilic

(Contient Lait Peut contenir Sulfites, Noix, Lait, Soya)

1 pièce(s)

Fromage à la crème

(Contient Lait)

2 cs

Propagation de l'ail

(Contient Soya Peut contenir Lait, Soya, Sulfites)


Informations nutritionnelles

Énergie (kcal)900 kcal
Graisses76 g
dont saturés29 g
Glucides33 g
dont sucres6 g
Fibres3 g
Protéines20 g
Cholestérol130 mg
Sel1200 mg
Gras Trans1 g
Potassium500 mg
Calcium225 mg
Fer4 mg


Papier sulfurisé
Plaque de cuisson
Petit bol
Grande poêle antiadhésive
Cuillères à mesurer


  • Carefully prick tomatoes with a fork.
  • Add tomatoes, 1 tbsp (2 tbsp) oil to an unlined baking sheet. Season with salt and pepper, then toss to combine.
  • Roast in the middle of the oven until tender, 12-14 min.
  • While the tomatoes roast, peel, then finely chop shallot.
  • Combine half the Parmesan and the garlic spread in a small bowl.
  • Arrange bacon strips in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Roast bacon in the top of the oven until crispy and cooked through, 8-12 min.**
  • Set bacon aside on a paper towel-lined plate, then carefully reserve bacon fat in a small bowl.
  • Heat a large non-stick pan over medium heat.
  • When hot, add pepitas to the dry pan. Toast, stirring often, until golden-brown, 4-5 min. (TIP: Keep your eye on them so they don't burn!)
  • Transfer pepitas to a plate.

  • Add 1 tbsp butter to the same pan, then swirl the pan until melted. Add gnocchi. (NOTE: For 4 ppl, cook gnocchi in 2 batches, using 1 tbsp butter per batch.) Cook, turning occasionally, until golden, 7-8 min.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Transfer gnocchi to a plate.
  • Reheat the same pan over medium.
  • Add 1 tbsp (2 tbsp) reserved bacon fat (from step 2), then shallots. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, 1-2 min.
  • Add half the Parmesan, cream and cream cheese. Bring to a simmer, then reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, stirring often, until sauce is smooth and thickens slightly, 1-2 min.
  • Remove from heat, then stir in pesto.
  • Add gnocchi, then stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Halve buns, then arrange on another unlined baking sheet, cut-side up. Spread with Parmesan-garlic mixture (from step 1). Toast buns in the bottom of the oven until light golden-brown and cheese melts, 3-5 min. (TIP: Keep an eye on buns so they don't burn!)
  • Chop or crumble bacon into 1-inch pieces. 
  • Divide gnocchi between bowls. Top with tomatoes, bacon and pepitas.
  • Serve Parmesan garlic bread alongside.